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Microsoft Office 

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office 365 -Microsoft Office 365 is the same Office you already know and use every day. Office 365 is powered by the cloud, so you can access your applications and files from virtually anywhere.


Microsoft Excel -Excel is a spreadsheet application, typically used to display and manipulate numerical data. Microsoft Excel provides data organization and analysis tools that enables you to sort, extract and generate charts from spreadsheet data


Microsoft Outlook -Outlook is the world's most popular application for email, calendars, and contacts. The Outlook desktop application works with both your personal and work email


Microsoft PowerPoint -PowerPoint enables you to create dynamic presentations through the use of text, graphics and animation. Slide presentations created with the software are often displayed on projection screens for business, training or educational presentations


Microsoft Word -Microsoft Word is the de facto standard in business for creating documents such as letters, invitations, term papers, flyers, resumes, novels and other documents


Microsoft OneNote -OneNote allows you to keep notes in handy in a convenient location – exactly where you are – enabling you to find and use them simply.

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