American Red Cross and Oreng Business Training provides this life saving skill class, essential for food business.
It is part of the Regulation in Massachusetts.
According to the State of Massachusetts Code for Food Establishments, Chapter X, 105 CMR 590.009(E) states…”each food establishment having a seating capacity of 25 persons or more shall:
(1) Have on its premises, while food is being served, an employee trained in manual procedures approved by the Department of Public Health to remove food lodged in a person's throat; and
(2) Make adequate provision for insurance to cover employees trained in rendering such assistance.”
Is your establishment in compliance with this code?
We also offer a wide variety of First Aid Kits, Supplies, Posters, and CPR barrier devices.
If you, your co-workers, family members or anyone else would like to become familiar with the Heimlich Maneuver and would be interested in having this training with one of our certified American RedCross instructor, then this class_cc781905- 5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_is for you!
Anti-Shocking Class
Portuguese / Spanish / English
Come join our American RedCross certified Anti-Chocking course.
Mandatory course for restaurants with more than 25 chairs.
Amount $60
*$50 travel fee to come to your property
Anti-Shocking class with certificate by American RedCross.
Required certificate for business with more than at least 25 seats.
*$50 travel fee if you can't come to our office